Tango of Darkness – artists

Tango of Darkness presents thirteen artists and 90 works. Galleria Rankka’s curation collides with different generations and artists from Lapland and Helsinki. The works hung on two floors engage in an intense dialogue with each other.

Jouko Alapartanen (Tornio, b. 1970): On the upper floor of the exhibition space, one painting that dominates the space is Alapartanen’s Simberg-inspired Last Garden of Death.

Paula Ervamaa (Helsinki, b. 1974): Tattoo-like drawings exude color, symbolism and powerful words.

Kaisaleena Halinen (Turku, b. 1973): In Halinen’s installation, the bark of a whole tree spreads like a dark root on the upstairs floor. The eyes of the skull are covered.

Aaron Hiltunen (Turku, b. 1926): Hiltunen from Turku is 98 years old and a unique case in the field of art. Hiltunen’s expressive and life-flavored paintings convey a downright exhilarating joy of painting, it’s like a birth tannery and a cry that the game is not lost yet.

Maippi Ketola (Helsinki, 1980) and Harri Vähänissi (Helsinki, 1979): In a separate studio, tight times are commented on by Maippi Ketola and Harri Vähänissi’s moving sculpture Leipäjono (2016), with the Maamme song wafting in the background. The sound comes from Ketola’s ever-present video Freedom of Speech (2015).

Hevi Mustonen (Helsinki, b. 1947): Mustonen’s art is characterized by strong and emotional, sometimes even dark subjects, often dark colors and strong symbolism.

Jaakko Pennanen (Helsinki, b. 1985): Jaakko Pennanen’s ten colorful and full-bodied paintings depict passing moments wondering about life.

Jelina Rahikainen (Helsinki, 1993): The two walls of the upper floor are filled with a breathtaking gallery of faces, Jelina Rahikainen’s five years of drawing and painting.

Antti Tanttu (Helsinki, born 1963): The background of Tantu’s reduced and dreamlike expression is a long and time-consuming woodcut process.

Anne Tompuri (Lappeenranta, 1958): For Tompuri, darkness acts as an accentuation of light. On display is part of the installation Mother. Its doll-headed figures, draped in black gauze, appear to have been hanged from the arch of the gallery’s staircase. In addition, four hypnotic black portraits are on display.

Tekla Vály (Helsinki): Tekla Vály, also known for his music videos, combines beauty and horror in his works. The body of work includes a skeleton-faced black-clad fresh installation Her, Video collage, as well as small drawings and paintings.

Tellervo Viitaniemi (Helsinki, born 1973): Tellervo Viitaniemi’s thirty-one small unframed drawings are attached to the wall with pins. The works made with ink and wax are like photographic prints hung to dry, where the development of the subject has been stopped at an enigmatic stage.

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Pimeyden tango

Galleria Rankka

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